Minister Farrakhan Stoned For Good Works

Jesus answered them, Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? —John 10:32 KJV

It is ugly and egregious that Minister Louis Farrakhan’s current campaign to promote peace in the streets is being attached to an alleged history of anti-Semitism.  Nearly every publication that has covered the Minister’s efforts has felt the need to rehash baseless lies, seeking to destroy the magnetism between the Minister and the People.

When watching the love, excitement and admiration of Black people who live in the crime-ridden streets of Chicago to the live, physical presence of Minister Farrakhan, one can’t help but think of another legendary Black man who made his ministry in the “highways and byways”—Jesus of Nazareth.  The New Testament records that it was the poor who “heard him (Jesus) gladly. (Mark 12:37)”

Back then it was the Jewish Sanhedrin that opposed Jesus’ public ministry.  Today it is the ADL and its Zionist affiliates that oppose Minister Farrakhan.  The Bible’s history of Jesus is very important in any analysis of the phenomenal presence of Minister Louis Farrakhan.  This is because Minister Farrakhan is unique.  Most religious and secular leaders within America’s Judeo-Christian landscape are comfortable deifying Jesus as an object of worship.  Minister Farrakhan as a Muslim enacts what can be defined as a Jesus Leadership Model.  The Jesus Leadership Model is characterized by a leader’s ability to demonstrate self-sacrifice, longsuffering, courage and magnetism.

Much of what Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have suffered at the hands of the Jewish/Zionist leadership is detailed in the preface of the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 (TSRV2).   The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews contains eye-opening revelations and records of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith admitting in internal memos that the NOI is not anti-Semitic, while at the same time publicly leading a smear campaign against the “Black Muslims,” falsely labeling the NOI “anti-Semitic.”

Time magazine notwithstanding, we have no documentable evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of the Temples of Islam movement or Elijah Muhammad.” —Arnold Forster, ADL President

 “We doubt whether the bulk of its (NOI) followers are presently committed to anti-Semitism.” — Nathan Edelstein, American Jewish Congress chairman

The above quotes are Jewish admissions that their hatred of the NOI did not arise out of any legitimate cause for concern.

Jewish scholar Marc Dollinger is quoted in the book.  He offers an explanation as to why these Jewish groups were “hating” on the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  Dollinger writes:

“Despite the Nation of Islam’s political marginalization, American Jewish Committee officials still feared Muhammad.  His charismatic personality, willingness to confront racism in the most dramatic rhetorical terms and ability to inspire even non-believing African American listeners concerned Jewish leaders.  The Nation of Islam leader, they feared, could earn the respect of his black audiences, even if they chose not to join his movement.”

The more recent history of Minister Louis Farrakhan details how he has been feared and attacked in the same way as his teacher the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  Remember that in 1984 the Reverend Jesse Jackson campaigned for the presidency of the United States of America. At that time Time magazine reported:

“A group called Jews Against Jackson…pledged publicly to disrupt his candidacy. Two of its members were arrested for interrupting his announcement speech on Nov. 3 in Washington, D.C. A window in Jackson’s New Hampshire campaign headquarters in Manchester was smashed, and his campaign offices in Garden Grove, Calif., were fire bombed. Jackson’s life has been threatened.”  To this Minister Farrakhan responded to defend Reverend Jackson: “If you harm this brother, I warn you in the name of Allah this will be the last one you harm. Leave this servant of God alone.”

Following his courageous defense of Reverend Jackson, Minister Farrakhan began being attacked by a multiplicity of Jewish voices. Nathan Pearlmutter of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) and Nat Hentoff of the Village Voice referred to Minister Farrakhan as a new “Black Hitler.”

This began Minister Farrakhan’s crucifixion on the cross. In Roman times, crucifixion on the cross was meant for pain and humiliation.  And while the charge of anti-Semitism is meant to embarrass and injure the public profile of the person so charged, it also signifies the crossing out, thwarting, undermining and sabotaging of Minister Farrakhan’s plans to help suffering Black America.  In other words, the Zionists set out to murder the Minister’s plans and programs.

Minister Farrakhan was pinned with a crown of thorns when in 1984, pressure from Jewish groups caused the United States Senate to vote 95-0 to censure Minister Farrakhan for alleged acts of anti-Semitism.  The crown of thorns put on the head of Jesus signified that instead of being adorned with the honor, dignity and respect of a royal crown, Jesus would be mocked and ridiculed and suffer the pain of the thorns of a false crown.  The modern Sanhedrin sought to falsely crown Minister Farrakhan with an official, governmental designation— “anti-Semite.”

Jesus, according to the Bible, had his hands nailed down and Minister Farrakhan had his economic initiatives destroyed.  Jesus was a carpenter by trade, so to nail down his hands was to hinder his ability to construct, build and repair. This would destroy a man who made his living through the work of his hands.  And even though Jesus gave up his profession to devote himself to his ministry, it is easy to see that the nailing of his hands would destroy him economically.  Symbolically, the Jewish leadership has thwarted the Minister’s ability to build up the Black community spiritually and economically.

And every time Minister Farrakhan begins an economic program, his efforts are stymied by the ADL and those that it controls.  When Minister Farrakhan received a $5 million-dollar loan from an African head of state, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, he started a personal care product line called Clean and Fresh, which was allied with the group called P.O.W.E.R. (People Organized Working for Economic Rebirth).  His purpose for the funds was to develop an economic base in the very lucrative Black hair and personal care product industry.  This initiative was crossed out when Jewish distributors threatened Mr. George Johnson of Johnson Products that they would not distribute his products any longer if he followed through on his agreement to Minister Farrakhan to manufacture the products.  In addition, because of Jewish pressure the Black-owned Independence Bank of Chicago demanded that the Minister take the $5 million dollars that he deposited with them out of their bank.

As part of his crucifixion Jesus was pierced in the side of his body.  In Minister Farrakhan’s case, it was the body of his organization. His followers and the communities they serve suffered when the ADL pressured the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to end security contracts with NOI Security. Many remember when the male members of the Nation of Islam organized themselves to perform security patrols in some of the most drug-infested and crime-ridden apartment complexes in the country.  The Muslim brothers of the Fruit of Islam (FOI) established security companies to provide safety and security to poor people living in public housing. But Jewish pressure on the Congress thwarted this successful economic and social services initiative by the Nation of Islam.  Republican Jack Kemp and former first lady Barbara Bush were among many who praised the Nation of Islam for their work in securing vulnerable neighborhoods.

This analogy concludes by considering the interference Jewish groups have made to hinder Minister Farrakhan’s movement among his people.  This can be likened to nailing his feet to the cross.  And when one’s feet are nailed, movement is hindered.  Minister Farrakhan’s desire has been to go among his people to teach them and to bring them a better quality of life.  His desire has been to make the Black man and woman of America the equal of the best of civilized people.  There are many examples of Jewish groups protesting the leaders Black people choose to listen to and follow.  A classic example of this is when in 1993 Minister Farrakhan was disinvited to speak at the 30th anniversary of the March on Washington.  He was invited initially and then disinvited after Rabbi David Saperstein complained. The Black organizers of that march gave in.  They disinvited the man whom divine providence blessed two years later to convene the largest March in American history—the Million Man March.

The case of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s crucifixion is part of the terrible legacy of the Crucifixion of Black Leadership. The Minister has made a public appeal to the leaders of the ADL, SPLC and all who continue to label him as “anti-Semitic.”  Come out into the public and allow the Minister and the Nation of Islam to face those who accuse us.

Does not Isaiah, in the Torah, invite us to “reason together?”  The continued circulation of propaganda is an enemy to Isaiah’s divine invitation.  We desire to reason on the basis of truth.  We desire to reason on the basis of the facts.  We desire to reason on the basis of righteousness.  It is time for the continued persecution of Minister Farrakhan to end.

[today’s post as excerpted from Who Do They Say I Am? The Vindication of Minister Louis Farrakhan]