The Eastern Regional Representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is Brother Student Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad.  In today’s post Brother Hafeez speaks to the critics of Minister Farrakhan and to the Black community.  Taking the approach of spiritual teacher, Bro. Hafeez reminds the general public that Minister Farrakhan and his bold moves are not borne of personal motives or self-aggrandizement.  Instead, as Brother Hafeez demontrates, Minister Farrakhan is a man on a divine mission, and as a result, no analysis of his controversy with Jewish groups, the media or the U.S. government is complete without an appreciation of this major characteristic feature of the Minister’s methodology and noble motive; and that being  to complete the assignment that Allah (God) and His Messenger-the Hon. Elijah Muhammad gave to him.  Read, Reflect, Share, & Act

The meaning of the word assignment is a task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study.  An assignment is also a function, a commission, a responsibility.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us in his illuminating book, Message to the Black Man in America, on page 306, the chapter entitled, Answer to Critics.  He was asked a question, “How would you describe your mission?”  And he answered, “My mission is to give life to the dead.”  He said, “What I teach brings them out of death and into life.  My mission, as the Messenger, is to bring the truth to the world before the world is destroyed.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did not give himself the assignment of giving life to the dead.   This Mission was given to him by the great Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad, who was born February 26, 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca.  He travelled 9,000 miles from the East unto the West fulfilling the words of Jesus in the Bible in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 24 Verse 27: “For as lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West: So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.”

There is no other human being who has travelled from the East unto the West seeking to give life to the dead.  The proof is in the next verse of this same chapter, Verse 28 that states, “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”  A carcass is the remains of something once alive and great.  Black people in America have suffered the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade and lived under Jim Crow Laws.  We have suffered the worst injustice known to the human condition.  We have been robbed of our names, our culture, our country, our God, and our religion (way of life).   And as the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that under “The Emancipation Proclamation they gave the slave no land.”  As he stated, “Emancipation for the Negro was freedom to hunger and famine.”   So the Black man and woman were used as a tool and a slave to help others become rich off our labor.  We were also robbed of the ability to think and this was proven in the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford where it stated all avenues of life should be cut off to the Negro.  In the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, the Supreme Court ruled that Black men – whether free or enslaved – had “no rights which a white man was bound to respect.”  The scripture says the eagles will be gathered together wherever the carcass is.  The carcass is a once great people.  And the eagle is the symbol on the dollar bill of the American currency.  This scripture in Matthew 27 and 28 in red letter print, which are the words of Jesus, is describing the arrival of one who would have to free a once great people and awaken them back to life so that the eagles (America) would not devour them in their death state.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad met this Holy one and was given his great commission of the resurrection of the dead.  This is not speaking of a physical resurrection, but a spiritual one.  We ask the question, “Whose stench is worst in the sight of Allah (God)?”  The physically dead person who is not responsible for their odor or a spiritually and mentally dead person who is yet alive and has an odor but refuses to do anything about it.  So, when we talk of raising the dead to life, this is the hardest job that any human being could have.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan serves as the National Representative of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam.   He does not represent himself.  He represents the man of God that received his commission from God in Person.  The proof that he got his assignment from God is the countless numbers of human beings that owe their spiritual life and existence to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  Some have moved over to other schools of thought, however, they could never escape Elijah Muhammad and the impact of his Life Saving Teachings.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is a man who only went to the third or forth grade of education, but confounded the wise, caused the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak and reform the lives of those off the streets of America.  Many of whom no one wanted anything to do with.  His teaching has and today attracts the most educated of our people that are found in the Nation of Islam following The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

In the scripture, Messengers of God are styled as women; therefore, he’s the mother who has given birth to many persons’ spirituality.  And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is also our father because he has impregnated us with the word and wisdom of the Almighty God.

When you critics who attack Minister Farrakhan, such as the Media or talking heads, the writers or scribes, the rabbinical scholars, Jewish philanthropists, Black politicians and weak persons in leadership positions, you don’t know who you’re are looking at and are maligning.  And those of you who do, keep the people who are easily led in the wrong direction and hard to lead in the right direction, deaf, dumb and blind to the reality of truth.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad referred to this kind of people as the 85%.  He taught us about the 10%, which are the rich:  Slave makers of the Poor, otherwise known as the bloodsuckers of the poor.  He taught us who is the 5% in the Poor Part of the Earth.  That they are the poor, Righteous Teachers, who do not believe of the teachings of the 10% and are all-wise:  and know who the living God is otherwise known as civilized people also Muslim and Muslim Sons.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to Minister Farrakhan one day, “Brother, there will be two of us backing you up.  Allah and myself.”  We must understand when you look at Minister Farrakhan; you must see him through the lens of scripture.  You must view him from the perspective of the word of God.  For he was born to be the chief helper of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  Moses had Aaron as a helper and aider.  In the Bible, the word is recorded as such:   Exodus 4 and 16   Aaron will be your spokesman to the people.  He will be your mouthpiece and you will stand in the place of God for him telling him what to say.     Jesus had Peter and Paul (they both had a role at two different peaks in Jesus’ ministry).   Peter stands at the gate to receive those who have fallen short of the will of God.  And Paul preached Christ during his departure from the people and is responsible for the letters of the Church called the Epistles of Paul.     Elijah had Elisha.  Elijah leaves his cloak for Elisha.  Elisha prays for a double portion of the spirit of God.    And Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) had Ali and Umar, Uthman and Abu Bakr (the four companions of the Prophet).

While some great Prophets had helpers, their job was to continue the message that was commissioned to them and to make the lives of the people who are the recipients of such message improved.  When you attack The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, you will always receive a response from his followers, helpers and supporters who know him to represent the personification of love, character, morality and uprightness.

We must also become acquainted with this scripture, Elisha in 2nd Kings, Chapter 2 Verse 9, and it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha.  Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee.  And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.  Just as Elisha prayed for a double portion of the spirit to be upon him, Minister Farrakhan was guaranteed this double portion when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Brother there will be two of us backing you up.”

I am one of those whose life has been saved and prolonged by the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  And the word of God that Minister Farrakhan constantly delivers into my life, which has made me a better man for myself, my family, my people, community and my nation.  I am a witness bearer to the character, dignity, respect and love that Minister Farrakhan has instilled in me for my people and humanity.  I will continue to write, speak, and live my life as an example of truth over falsehood and lies that the critics, detractors and naysayers have hurled at our beloved Minister and the Nation of Islam with no basis in the truth.

Minister Farrakhan doesn’t have an anti-Semitic bone or vein in his body.  As a matter of fact, the original meaning of the word Semitic is “relating to or consisting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic; of, relating to, or characteristic of the Semites.”  Which are not members of the Jewish community exclusively.  The term includes Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, some Ethiopians, and Armaean tribes.

Our beloved minister, and we who follow him, are not against people of alternative lifestyles of which there are members in our families.  We ascribe to the Muslim Program and what the Muslims want:

  1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.
  2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law.  We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed or class or color.
  3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society.

The Honorable Minister Farrakhan is a life giver by the grace and permission of the Almighty God, whose proper name is Allah.   He doesn’t deliver speeches like a President or politician.  He delivers the word of God, which brings about transformation and the lives of whomsoever receives and applies such beautiful guidance in their lives.

Whether you are Black, White, Asian, Pacific Islander, Latino, Mexican, from the Caribbean, or Central and South America when you hear the Minister and look at him through a clean lens, then the words of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad will come into view when he said, You don’t need to condemn a dirty glass, just put a clean glass next to it.”   

Listen to Minister Farrakhan for yourself and if you have questions, why don’t you seek out his representatives and helpers in the cause of Freedom, Justice and Equality.  When you are in need of an attorney, you hire one to represent your interest, not the prosecutors who are trying to sentence you to a life imprisonment.  Minister Farrakhan will be cleared of all false charges.  As it is written of in the 21st Sura, Ayat 18 of the Holy Quran:

Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, so it knocks out its brains, and lo!  It vanishes.  And woe to you for what you describe!

Just as The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, his mission is to give life to the dead.  That is the same mission and assignment of Minister Farrakhan today, tomorrow and into the future.

The reason our open enemies write, speak and misrepresent his words is because you have been drawing from the mammary gland of the Black Community and you have made your American dream on the Black nightmare living in America.  From the slave plantations to sharecropping to minimum wage to low income housing to food deserts in our community to more liquor stores than schools to the proliferation of gang activity to rampant police brutality and mob attacks to injustice in the Jurisprudence system even with videotape present to the slum landlords to the wearing of blackface by individuals and companies to the misuse of musical artists talents and skills and the control of the Black American economy, you are threatened that the voice of one crying in the wilderness speaking for the poor, the disenfranchised and the oppressed will awaken them to their own power that they don’t need to rely on anyone else except God and themselves. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan teach us that our unity is a weapon more powerful than a nuclear bomb and our unity will solve 95% of our problems.  Let us unite!