Nikki Giovanni: Millon Man March An Antidote to Racism

The brilliant and talented Nikki Giovanni, who is often considered as a poet laureate of Black America, offered affirming and encouraging commentary to the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan during the immediate aftermath of the great and historic Million Man March.  Hers is an important testimony, and is one of numerous positive reactions to the Minister that main stream has worked hard to hide.  This and many more are found inside the pages of Who Do They Say I Am: The Vindication of Minister Louis Farrakhakn

“I BELIEVE that old virus, racism, is still running rampant in our community, but I think we may have found an antidote in the Million Man March. I think one of the most important movements of this decade took place on October 16, 1995 in Washington, DC. That hundreds of thousands (though I believe a million plus) Black men came together to commune, to atone, to simply be close to each other and absorb some love and some support from each other was a great, historic event.

I am not expecting either Minister Farrakhan or the million men to create any miracles. We all, men and women, are just people trying our best to make sense of our lives. But I feel that by standing up, a great shaking of the earth occurred. There was no grandstanding. There were no putdowns of folk who were scared to go. There was a positive feeling that men needed to do something to affirm their existence.

As a Black woman, as a Christian, as a citizen of Planet Earth, I simply believe we all have to not only acknowledge but rejoice that the men are moving. If Black women alone could save this planet, then it would have been done. We need our friend, our partner, our son to stand with us. Before they can stand at our side they needed to take measure of each other.

This is a wonderful calling that Louis Farrakhan caused. I am sure everyone noted that Bill Clinton had not stood up to any Republican demand until after the March when he finally found his backbone.

I am very happy for the men. They will need to continue to touch base with each other, to cooperate with each other, to love and care for each other in the future. They may or may not have another march. I believe the one that they had will be sustaining. I know, if I may quote my own poetry, “… Walking down the street is the same old danger”… But a brand new pleasure.” (Giovanni 1996)